Sources Of Constitution In Nigeria

This page covers the various sources of constitution in Nigeria. At the end of this article, I will list and explain five (5) sources and all you need to know more about the constitution, sources, and types in Nigeria

Before we proceed, quickly look at the various types of constitutions and functions of constitutions in Nigeria

Sources Of Constitution

Sources Of Constitution In Nigeria

  1. History Of The People

  2. Act Of Parliament

  3. Customs And Traditions

  4. Past Constitutions

  5. Conventions

  6. Constitutional Conferences

  7. Judicial Precedents

History Of The People

When we talk about the sources of constitutions, we consider the history of the people.

It is necessary that the history of the people should be considered in preparing the basic rules that govern them. Past political developments do form a part of their history.

Act Of Parliament

The laws or enactment by parliament form apart of constitutional framing.

Customs And Traditions

Customs And Traditions are also considered as one of the sources of constitution in Nigeria.

they are the belief, institutions, norms, and values of the people, and these are important in the formulation of the constitution.

Past Constitutions

Past constitution and constitution of other international countries most often form the basis of any new constitution.

For example the American constitution provided a model for the 1979 constitution of Nigeria.


One of the factors when considering the sources of constitution in Nigeria is conventions.

These are acceptable political precepts and practices which often form a part of the instrument of the country’s constitution.

Constitutional Conferences

These are meetings at which difficult constitutional issues are discussed and resolved in preparations for a new constitution.

A decisions at such conferences often form the basis for a new constitution.

Judicial Precedents

These are past judgments at law courts on constitutional matters and they often form the basis or birth of a new constitution.

The above aforementioned are the sources of constitution in Nigeria.


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